
The left is rioting in France, even though they won the election

When the goal is anarchy, it doesn’t matter much to the far left what the outcome of the election is. The left has frightened the French population into believing that there will be a civil war if the right wins. But the left is happy to start a civil war anyway. Even after they have won the most seats.

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Michel Onfray: France is heading for chaos

Even if the Rassemblement National (RN) were to win the parliamentary elections in France, the rest of the political landscape and other powerful social forces will sabotage the party’s ability to exercise power in government, says French philosopher Michel Onfray.

“The left would rather set the country on fire under the pretext of fighting fascism,” Onfray said Friday in an interview with Le Figaro.

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From high culture to low culture

The ancient medium invented by the Greeks and Romans was the book. This humanistic genre not only strived for truth, but also wanted to influence and convince potential friends. According to Sloterdijk, the fact that literacy and the written text could remain relevant from its inception 2,500 years ago until recently is because the written word could be passed on as a “chain letter through generations”.

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Has the West lost its self-preservation drive?

It is taken for granted that both people and societies have retained the ability to protect themselves. But if you look at the reaction after the liberation of the hostages in Nuseirat, you are tempted to conclude the opposite: We no longer value our own lives. We are for the others, even when they hold hostages among civilians for eight months. Their lives outweigh ours.

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Allah on the decline in China

while the world’s Muslims and their white friends lament Israel’s defensive war against Allah’s faithful warriors in Gaza, they are silent as the grave if anyone points to the fate of their fellow believers in China. Tampering with the communist superpower is not good for your health, and we should hardly expect the Norwegian government to recognize China’s Muslim areas as new states.

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Norway is tilting towards Hamas

Upon recognizing Palestine the Norwegian prime minister Jonas Gahr Støre insisted that is was a continuation of the peace diplomacy that Norway has pursued since the Oslo process. But noone can insist upon their own set of facts. Unless one wants to to become irrelevant. Hamas was quick to flatter Norway for its courage. Recognition […]

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The Destruction of Iran’s Terrorist Hub in Damascus Was Entirely Justified

The bombing of the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria was not, as the Iranians claim, simply an attack on a blameless diplomatic mission.

It was a carefully targeted strike on the headquarters of the expansive terrorist network that Tehran has established throughout the Middle East.

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NATO’s “Mare Nostrum” can become a sharp weapon against Russia

At the same moment that Hungary gave its approval to Sweden’s NATO membership, a new Mare Nostrum was created. Now it is the Baltic Sea that has become NATO’s own Mare Internum, their Mare Nostrum. Eight of the nine states that surround the sea – Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Germany – will soon all be members of NATO.

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France’s Skyrocketing Threat

January 30, 2024. The French weekly, Le Journal du Dimanche, publishes the most comprehensive and detailed survey on what French Muslims think. Not surprisingly, the results are disturbing.

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Europe’s done for

During a recent interview on FPÖ TV – reported in GulfInsider on December 5, 2023 – the former head of Germany’s internal security service, the Bundesverfassungsschutz, Hans-Georg Maassen, says that islam is well positioned to conquer Europe. Germany and Austria could well prevent such a development, but choose not to do so.

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