In a world of what is and what is not accepted as politically correct and what is not, discussing our bodies and day to day natural occurrences should have been open topics. But when it comes to menstruation, an everyday issue, there are still major milestones that must be reached. This according to Norwegian state channel NRK.

Triathlon athlete Emma Pallant-Browne’s candid description online of what it is like to compete, while having her period, has received 40,000 likes and over 1,500 comments online, according to NRK. Pallant-Browne now sees having her period while competing as something beautiful. The more barriers we can break through, the better, she writes online.

Norwegian national triathlon coach, Henriette Mero, says that Pallant-Browne’s openness is extremely important.

It was the International Triathlon Union that shared the photo of Pallant-Browne’s menstrual stain on her swimsuit online.

I think it was cool that she took matters into her own hands. Why should you be ashamed of it, says Mero to NRK. She thinks it’s a shame that menstruation should be hidden.

There is nothing more natural. Pallant-Browne is a very good role model who stands up and says that menstruation is natural and that this may well happen during competition, she says to the state channel.

It is not every day that NRK presents such revolutionary news, but such ambitious journalistic goals are what the state channel is striving to achieve, helped with over six billion tax kroner behind it.

To an outsider, it may seem that NRK is well on its way to achieving its goal, helped by pioneering journalists such as Christian Grieg Sander. He is probably one of the promising young people who is helping to bring the state channel towards ever new journalistic heights…

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