How The Secret Spy World Of The CIA Really Operates | A Conversation With Ray McGovern

Kim Iversen is an example of how one person can be heard all over the world simply by being bold; sharp and bold, as journalists once were. The media’s shift to becoming the mouthpiece of power has created openings and left a vacuum and it is thanks to this that there are people like her who are prepared to fill the void.

I came across her a few weeks ago and have listened to a lot. People like Iversen don’t operate alone, they have a staff around them who prepare her and book other interesting people. She got Alan Dershowitz which didn’t go so well when she got honed in on Jeffrey Epstein.

The interview with ex-CIA Ray MacGovern flows well, the two share some of the same concerns about what has happened to both the CIA and the secret services. This should also interest us because Nord Stream comes up in the conversation several times and MacGovern uses it as a reference point on how wrong it can go when you weed out anyone who can come up with opposing views. MacGovern speaks of Nord Stream as American sabotage “with Norwegian help”. There is no “if” here. For that reason alone, this should be a topic that interests Norwegians.

There are no more critical questions in the Norwegian media. Before, CIA were three letters that had its own mysticism and terror. Now it’s just one of those things. A nice to have, we have lobotomised ourselves.

MacGovern says that there will be a bill for Nord Stream at some point. Not a hint of a question has appeared in the Norwegian media, not a single question in Spørretimen. What has happened to Norwegian politics? This affects our security position.

All political parties have now moved towards the middle in a pro-war position. Acknowledging that we have Russia as a neighbour.

MacGovern is a liberal, but he has a good memory and knows what he’s talking about. Before NRK would conduct the interviews, now it is Gro Holm from Moscow who reports how far the Russians have fallen and how far there is left to the bottom.

NTB managed to mislead on the coverage of Xi’s visit to Moscow that there was no military alliance between the two countries, despite the fact that the text they themselves quoted said otherwise.

MacGovern says that there was a breach in the CIA as far back as 1981, under Casey and Reagan. Casey built a parallel structure that ran Iran-Contra. He marked a shift in the CIA’s history that has continued since.

Ukraine is a bad situation and we are heading for World War III. Our own Jens Stoltenberg is one of the driving forces who can never get enough, on the same day that Finland joins NATO, he says to NRK:

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark A. Milley, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III and Oleksii Reznikov, Minister of Defence of Ukraine at the opening of the 9th Ukraine Defense Contact Group (UDCG) meeting at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, Feb. 14, 2023. (DoD photo by Chad J. McNeeley)

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark A. Milley, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III and Oleksii Reznikov, Minister of Defence of Ukraine at the opening of the 9th Ukraine Defense Contact Group (UDCG) meeting at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, Feb. 14, 2023. Photo: U.S. Secretary of Defense, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons

NATO’s position is that Ukraine should join NATO, says NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to NRK in Brussels.

In an article is by the experienced Øyvind Nyborg on April 4, Nyborg writes:

A NATO expansion into Ukraine was one of the reasons why Putin went to war against Ukraine. (…..)

This has been the intention since 2008, just as MacGovern mentions:

Since 2008, the plan has been to bring both Ukraine and Georgia into NATO.

It is now confirmed that there has been a strategy for NATO to stand up against Russia. It was presented without objections.

At the so-called NATO-Ukraine commission meeting, the long-term plans for possible Ukrainian membership were discussed.

Is there no one at NRK, or at Stoltenberg? Anniken Huitfeldt states that Ukraine will win and then join NATO. This is official Norwegian policy.

Norway’s Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt says the door is open to Ukraine.

The most important thing is to help Ukraine win the war and beat back the Russian aggression, says Huitfeldt to NRK.

MacGovern says clearly that will not happen, even the Americans no longer believe that. So why keep hammering it in?

Norway is at the front, on sabotage and all the parties have joined the war party. The Americans have started building their own bases on Norwegian soil and the Minister of Defence has not even been briefed.

We need to use the good people in the USA to start the discussion here in Norway. We know there are many frustrated people in the defence.

This interview should be a starting point for a conversation between the undersigned and Alf R. Jacobsen. There are many dates and it may be a good idea to hear from them soon.

MacGovern worked for the CIA for 27 years as an analyst. He was the one who compiled the President’s daily Intelligence Brief. But the Iraq war was a turning point over both pretexts about weapons of mass destruction and torture, MacGovern became a pain in the ass for the establishment. While the dissident was a recognized role during the Vietnam War, the treatment was now different. MacGovern began to protest against Hillary Clinton, Donald Rumsfeld, Bush – and it was not tolerated. He became an outcast, even the article about him on wikipedia contains errors. The data leak from the Democrats’ headquarters was an inside job and the fact that MacGovern has been a guest on RT and Sputnik will weigh heavily on some people’s minds.

But in the wikipedia article it is mentioned that he was at the ten-year dinner for RT in Moscow, together with Michael Flynn. Obama’s people would later use this against Flynn to get him ousted even though it was an ordinary event. There was also Carter Page, the FBI was spreading Christopher Steele’s claim that Page was offered ten percent of the shares in Rosneft in exchange for an end to the sanctions.

The US had started behaving like the Kremlin.

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