It is not certain that everyone has caught it, so I would like to remind those who live under a rock, that Friday started Eid al-Fitr.

As a keen observer of what is going on in my beloved homeland, I have observed that this Muslim holiday, which is so important to NRK and politicians … er … I mean Muslims, is only getting bigger and bigger. As the title reveals, it has become typically Norwegian to celebrate Eid al-Fitr and for many it is more important than our own public holidays.

Norwegian Ramadan Broadcasting is a good example of that. Despite receiving thousands of complaints, the state channel has spent millions on the promotion of Islam, while ignoring Easter. Bente Haarstad gave us a great introduction to it last week.

Perhaps it is not just me that have noticed that the more you protest to NRK, the more they react by doing the exact opposite. In the case of the Ramadan celebration, it only gets bigger and more lavish every year.

This is how EID is celebrated in Norway, writes NRK and tells us that the largest EID celebration in Norway is organized at Rådhusplassen in Oslo, with over 3,500 participants.

Throughout the country, the end of Ramadan is celebrated, and I almost get excited for May 17 by reading NRK’s tribute to the Muslim holiday.

Hip, hip, hip hooray for Eid al-Fitr. It doesn’t sound as good as May 17, but is instead very exotic. Wasn’t that what we were promised about 50 years ago? Immigrants wanted to bring the exotic to our boring country.

We owe a big thank you to Gro, Thorbjørn, Kjell Magne, Jens, Erna, Jonas and their lackeys. Thank you very much for nothing, yet we pay tribute to the Norwegian media who have indoctrinated us into how positive mass immigration is for the country. Thanks for nothing to you too. Let’s go to you all.

Back to Eid al-Fitr.

It won’t be long before Eid al-Fitr becomes a red day in Norway, I thought yesterday, because wherever the Muslims settle, they demand that the population adapt to their traditions, beliefs and way of life. When in Rome do as the Romans do, is a concept that is completely remote to them. If they don’t get their way, they and their Islamophile friends on the left scream about racism and Islamophobia.

I myself have found that I am proud to be an Islamophobe. That I mean that I am afraid of Islam, not of Muslims in general. I do not want Norway to become an Islamic country. It is perfectly fine if it is practiced in the Middle East and other Muslim areas, but I think that we 4.2 million Norwegians should maintain our unique culture and history in peace. Is that too much to ask?

Just a few hours after I had thought of Eid al-Fitr as a red day, I read that two American cities are making Eid Al Fitr a public holiday. That is crazy! Then it will certainly be a public holiday in Norway too, since the country copies the USA. Norway has adopted Halloween and Valentine’s Day, so why Eid al-Fitr?

If that happens, I recommend that they find a new name, because according to Newsweek, the name is pronounced al fitter, and that is not something we in Norway associate with a holiday that involves gifts for children, decorations and traditional food that is shared with family and friends . NRK’s rosy description, not mine.

The second part of the phrase: “al-Fitr,” is pronounced “al fitter,” a word sounding similar to “bitter.”

Actually, when I think about it, the name suits NRK and other media well, they love vulgarity and simplicity.

It rhymes with “bitter”, yes. Have observed that there are many people on Facebook who are bitter about the celebration of EID. I myself try to be inclusive, like when I spoke to my mother yesterday.

Happy birthday, I said when my mother called yesterday morning, as if it were May 17.

What day? she asked. Al fi**er , I said, trying to avoid being vulgar in my pronunciation. – Aren’t you going to watch the broadcast on NRK tonight? I continued. – You paid to produce it yourself, didn’t you?

NRK has a tendency to whitewash Islam, now it is Ramadan and al fi**er that are celebrated in rosy programmes, such as this weekend’s Festen etern Fasten. Not everyone is as excited about the holiday as the Ex-Muslims of America, but what do they know better than NRK? I wonder if they have to live at a secret address, as Ex-Muslims in Norway have to.

This #Ramadan, while everyone is hungry, irritable and confined to their homes, domestic violence is on the rise. But remember, as this one sheikh puts it, beating wives is an honor for women in Islam.

At least the sheikh is considerate: – Don’t beat her in the face, and do not make her ugly. They actually have a kind of “beating” ethic.

As I mentioned above, there are now two cities in the US that make Eid Al Fi**er a public holiday.

Two cities in the US state of Michigan have made Eid Al Fitr a paid holiday for city employees, as Muslims across America fight for more visibility, writes Jihan Abdalla in The National News.

It is certainly not just in America that Muslims are fighting for more visibility. The problem is that they don’t just want more visibility; they want to dictate.

Dearborn Mayor Abdullah Hammoud is also hosting a free Eid brunch open to everyone in the community, in a city that has been considered a stronghold for Muslims in America.

It will probably be proper American BBQ with ribs, pulled pork and Bud Light.

The city of Hamtramck has also made Eid a paid day off for the city’s employees, and Amer Ghalib, the city’s first Muslim mayor, believes that it was about time:

It was long overdue, said Ghalib. – The entire city council… are Muslims, so it was important to welcome them and give them the opportunity to celebrate Eid with their families.

The whole city council! My Lord Jesus. Talk about diversity.

Hamtramck City Council approves Islamic animal sacrifices in the home. Coming to a neighborhood near you, Norway.

There has been a nationwide attempt to recognize Eid Al Fitr as an official school-free day, writes Abdalla further. So far, 19 school districts with a significant Muslim populations have adopted days off for the two major Muslim holidays of Eid Al Adha and Eid Al Fitr.

National News, like NRK, paints Eid Al Fitr beautifully – and it’s all about family visits, sweets and gifts for children.

Perhaps Oslo, with the help of the red-blooded people at NRK, can become a twin city with Dearborn and Hamtramck. They can forge cultural ties and share their knowledge and love for Islam. Just saying.

With Muslims in America making up a little more than one percent of the population, recognition of the holiday has been a struggle, Abdalla says. Muslim Americans also say the rise of Islamophobia after the 9/11 attacks made defending themselves even more challenging.

This was the day somebody did something, for those who have forgotten 9/11.

Despite this, there are signs that Muslim Americans are gaining more visibility and Abdalla is happy to mention that Joe Biden and Dr. Jill sent their greetings on Twitter.

There are a lot of mean comments under Biden’s tweet that have nothing to do with his greeting, TazTears was first. We can thank Elon Musk for not deleting it.

By the way, who made the video tribute? Just as bureaucratic as the Biden administration.

TazTears (@taz_tears) April 21, 2023

Too bad TazTears wasn’t deleted later tonight. Embedding Biden’s tweet here, but another comment from Dr. Late Night News.

On Friday, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre wished Muslim Americans a happy holiday, saying more than 100 Muslims have been appointed to positions in President Joe Biden’s administration.

More than 100 Muslims! How many Norwegian-Americans has Biden appointed to positions in his administration? Let’s go Brandon.

It is not only the world’s most powerful man in the world’s most powerful position who pays tribute to al fi**er and bows in the dust for Islam. Our own Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre marked the day together with around 100 guests at the Bekkelagshøgda community center in Oslo. Mangfoldshuset Oslo was the organiser, writes NRK.

Can the last Norwegian who leaves Norway be so kind as to take the flag with him?

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