Tucker is bound by his contract with Fox until January 2025 and Fox is doing everything they can to keep him so that he cannot work for others or himself. But his lawyer says that anyone who thinks Tucker is being targeted needs to think again.

The fact that Fox will not let Tucker go suggests that part of the purpose of firing him was to park him so that he cannot spearhead Maga and Trump in 2024. Fox chairman, former Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, belongs to the Never-Trump movement .

Tucker’s popularity became his bane. The higher the ratings and the more honest and direct Tucker was, the safer Murdoch and BlackRock became. They saw what Tucker was capable of, he could tilt the election in favour of Trump. America is heading off the cliff, Tucker and Trump together could save it.

By firing him, Rupert Murdoch and his sons show what they are made of: They would rather the US go down and go home.

But anyone who thinks Tucker allows himself is going to be passive, is wrong.

“The idea that anyone is going to silence Tucker and prevent him from speaking to his audience is beyond preposterous,” Carlson’s attorney Bryan Freedman told the outlet.

Tucker has a name like no other on television. His first short video clip after he retired was seen by 54 million within a day. That makes Tucker a power factor.

Both Newsmax, Rumble and Elon Musk have approached and made suggestions. One thing is certain: Tucker wants a free hand.

The viewing figures for his old program have more than halved.

Republican candidate debate

Rumour has it that Tucker is toying with the idea of organising his own debate for Republican candidates. There will be two official ones and it is not certain that Trump will be there, given his solid leadership. There is also great dissatisfaction with Ronna McDaniel who leads the RNC.

A debate moderated by Tucker could be what was needed to make the debate lively and interesting.

Carlson has yet to publicly announce what his future in the public eye will be, however, sources close to him told the Washington Post that Carlson is considering moderating a debate between Republican presidential candidates. A debate held by the conservative pundit would fall outside the Republican National Committee debate system as the first two debates have already been announced.



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