A large number of police forces were deployed on Sunday night in the hunt for three people suspected of depriving a person of their liberty at Bjørkelangen. A little after midnight, the three were arrested without drama, but with the police refraining to say anything about where they were arrested or who they were.

It was at 10.14pm on Saturday evening that the police received a report that a person had been forced and taken against his will at Bjørkelangen. Since then, armed police have been heavily present in the area. (Romerikes Blad)

The car then drove away from the scene. A large number of officers armed ourselves and searched for the car. We also received assistance from the police helicopter, operations manager Joakim Ormaasen in the East police district told NTB on the night of Sunday. (NTB)The police remain tight-lipped on more information about this case.

The three were arrested in the same area. The arrest went smoothly. They will be taken into custody and later questioned. They are currently charged with deprivation of liberty, he tells RB.

The operations manager will not comment further on the accused – or where they were arrested. However, he confirms that the victim is an adult man.

An investigation will continue throughout the night and beyond. I can therefore not comment further on the matter now, says Ormåsen. (Romerikes Blad)


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