Many have hoped that the authorities will ease fuel taxes, in order to reduce the high prices of petrol and diesel. But according to Naf, there is little reason for optimism.

The traffic organisation Naf has little faith that there will be a lower tax for petrol and diesel this year, while the government parties negotiate the state budget with SV.

Naf is very pessimistic in this respect.

NTB reports.

Naf is disappointed that there is no cut in fuel taxes in the government’s proposal for a revised national budget, despite the fact that the government platform states that they will “reduce taxes that affect most people, such as electricity tax and fuel taxes”.

With government partner the Center Party, there has been a strong demand, both in the central party and out in the local communities.

The Naf organisation, usually loyal to the authorities and quiet matters, now openly expresses frustration with the authorities, using terms such as “empty promises”:

It is a shame that the promises of tax cuts turned out to be empty. This is about people’s wallets in a period where everything is becoming more expensive. But it is also about whether voters can believe in the promises that politicians make. Especially in the districts, where there are more people who have petrol and diesel cars, people have reason to be disappointed, says press manager of Naf, Ingunn Handagard in a press release.

Over the past twelve months, the average price of both petrol and diesel has been over NOK 22 per litre. When the government parties Ap and Sp will now negotiate the state budget with SV, Handagard has little faith in seeing tax cuts.

Unfortunately, there is no reason to believe that SV has a priority to get this topic on the negotiating table, says Handagard.

As the contract is valid until the new year, the press manager says that the race is probably over for the fees until the whole of 2023.

According to Naf, most of the indications are that the high fuel prices are here to stay for the time being. It is difficult to spot any clear political initiatives in the major political parties to do something about this.

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