Growth conditions for the trans population in Norway are poor, we see little improvement, said Espen Esther Pirelli Benestad when he addressed the MDG national meeting on Friday.

NTB writes this, but of course they use a different pronoun than the undersigned.

Many, many people struggle in their lives. Many of those who struggle are queer and some of those who are queer are transgender. We represent a people who have always been here and who are not going to disappear. In some cultures we are well regarded, but not in ours, said Benestad.

When 25 percent of high school students in the United States define themselves as non-binary, the trans activists are still not satisfied.

According to a new report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 25 percent of high school students in the United States identify as LGBT, reported The Times.

In Norway, the number of young girls who sought help for their gender confusion increased so strongly that it ended up at 1,400 percent in 2018 compared to 2013.

NTB describes Benstad as “the well-known doctor and trans activist”. They do not mention that he lost the right to act as a doctor after it became known that he had been giving young people access to hormone therapy for years.

In February 2023, Benestad was stripped of his doctor’s licence due to a breach of the health legislation’s requirements for soundness, duty to provide information and record keeping. He has appealed the decision.

Benestad has previously been involved as a peripheral local politician for Venstre. Now he puts forward his opinions at the MDG national meeting, he was met with a standing ovation.

In a truly green environment, our talents are used for the common good. In an environment that does not recognize everything human, many talents will be lost, said Benestad.

Vocal people in society say that we don’t exist. That we are not what we are. Others think we are against the order of nature, as if we were synthetic.

There are several active witch hunts, not just for me, but for several of those who stand up and say “trans, that’s me”, said Benestad.

He also spoke about the healthcare provision for trans people, which, despite the fact that they are self-proclaimed as healthy, costs taxpayers enormous sums.

The health services we offer from the public sector are based on principles that have long since become outdated. Those who are put to work with us have little or no education in this field.

By “outdated”, Benestad means traditional sciences such as medicine and biology. The trans activists base themselves on pseudoscience, with children and young people being the biggest victims.

So, Benestad fits in nicely at the national meeting of the climate hysterics in the MDGs.

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