Two teenagers lost their lives in a road accident that took place in Cardiff on Monday night. Police in Wales reported noise and disorder “on a large scale” after the accident.

Details about the two dead and the course of events before the accident are not known, writes NTB.

Following the accident, several cars were set on fire and fireworks were thrown at the police, writes Sky News. Several people have been arrested.

Sky News reports that rumours were spread that the accident happened when a police car followed another car, but the police reject this claim.

Alun Michael, South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner, told BBC Radio 4’s Today program that rumours had circulated there had been a police chase before the crash but this “wasn’t the case”.

Riots broke out at the scene of the accident before the police had arrived. Several cars are said to have been set on fire. Police cars are also said to have been damaged, according to Wales Online. One person was attacked because the mob thought he was a plainclothes policeman. Many of those who took part in the riots were masked.

Police, including mounted officers on horseback, were seen outside Ely police station in the early hours of Tuesday after suggestions it could be targeted.

Shortly before 3am, rioters moved down Highmead Road in Ely, followed by police officers trying to disperse them.

Jane Palmer lives in Highmead Road and her family saw the mob set fire to their Ford Focus. They tried to extinguish the fire with a garden hose.

Ms Palmer said: – I’m disabled, so now I’m trapped without my car. Why are they doing this? It’s just silly now.”

Another Highmead Road resident was upset.

Enough is enough now. This has gone beyond. When people are making fun of what’s happening on social media it’s crossed a line. This is our neighbourhood and those doing this are just kids. It needs to stop.

Another police chief says that the violence against the emergency services and the damage to property and cars was totally unacceptable.

Rubbish and wheelie bins were set alight by rioters as they were moved through the streets by armoured police.

The police received a number of calls from residents in the area who were scared. Mounted police were deployed to try to stop the riots, which escalated at about 8 o’clock on Monday night, and continued until after midnight.

This morning Ely in Cardiff looked like a war zone. The streets are full of stones and other items that the mob had thrown at the police. Some of the cars that had been set alight are still glowing.

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