A top Belgian psychologist has lost his licence after speaking out against the World Economic Forum (WEF) and their “Great Reset” agenda on social media.

WEF’s puppet government

Psychologist Steve Van Herreweghe has been suspended for two years for his online comments about The Great Reset and the WEF. He intends to appeal the Psychological Commission’s disciplinary committee’s decision.

On Twitter, Van Herreweghe expressed concerns about The Great Reset and the World Economic Forum, which he believes are components of the establishment of a “new world order”. He has singled out virologists Steven Van Gucht and Marc Van Ranst as “ordinary, well-paid narcissistic hostages ordered by the WEF puppet government”.

Van Gucht was a key figure in Belgium’s controversial covid response, while epidemiologist Van Ranst strongly advocated lockdowns and tough measures to control the population.

Transsexual alienation

Van Herreweghe has linked the energy crisis, economic crisis, Ukraine, climate and gender identity propaganda to the “Great Reset”.

He describes transsexuality as “an example of how alienated people are from their deeper nature” and warns that trivializing sexuality can ultimately lead to the normalization of pedophilia.

The age of censorship and cancellation culture

The suspension is about more than Van Herreweghe’s person:

The problem is not about my title, but rather about the right to express oneself in the age of censorship and cancellation culture. It is about the importance of precise information without political or commercial bias. It is about contact with our collective consciousness and about something bigger than the misunderstood self in which we are all trapped.

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