On Saturday, around two hundred protest meetings were organized all over the world against the globalist agenda of organisations such as Bilderberg and the WHO.
Our freedom is threatened
The Australian “goddess of freedom” Monica Smith, who has appeared on DocTV several times, traveled to Lisbon to take part in anti-globalist demonstrations in parallel with the 69th Bilderberg meeting being held in a secret location in the city.
The people’s protest is particularly aimed at the curtailment of ordinary people’s freedom that culminated during the covid lockdowns. Cashless society, 15-minute cities and an end to the disclaimer of liability for injuries and deaths caused by the covid vaccination were also on the poster.
“We are ready”
Several hundred people showed up to say just that, “We are ready”:
The next time the globalists want to lock us in and curtail our freedom, it will not come upon us suddenly and by surprise, then the people will rise up and fight back.
Particularly moving was prime mover Pedro Brito’s speech in which he told of his uncle’s death after receiving the vaccine.
Robert Kennedy Jr. participated via screen.
It’s game time… #weareready pic.twitter.com/CxurWOrnck
— Reignite Freedom (@ReigniteFreedom) May 19, 2023
Australia’s first political prisoner
A key participant and keynote speaker at the commemoration in Lisbon was Monica Smit, Australia’s first political prisoner – the woman who spent twenty-two days in jail for sedition after encouraging people to take part in protests against the lockdown of society.
Standing outside the venue for the Bilderberg Club meeting. Lots of journalists here who are also exposing them!
Police ordered us to put away the banner…crazy!
Massive event tomorrow in Lisbon and all over the world – https://t.co/m0GppbfSx0 pic.twitter.com/cIjEfA3fJS
— Reignite Freedom (@ReigniteFreedom) May 19, 2023
At the protest meeting in Lisbon, people came from all over Europe to participate, many had expressed a desire to meet the gradually world-famous Australian goddess of freedom, Monica Smit.

Monica Smith. Photo: Arnt Jensvoll / Document
At the Bilderberg meeting, 130 of the northern hemisphere’s self-proclaimed “leading citizens” gather to address topics such as the Chinese threat, the war in Ukraine, the transition to alternative energy, the climate, artificial intelligence and the banking system. Included are, among others, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Pfizer’s boss Albert Bourla and president of the World Economic Forum, Børge Brende. The Daily Mail published the full list of participants here.
The Bilderberg meetings are so secret that no minutes are taken, no press conferences given and no reports published.