When I grew up, the king of Norway was Olav V, and he took the tram in an anorak with «ordinary people.» The year was 1973. He was a highly admired king who could wear his general’s uniform with pride and dignity. But, unfortunately, the royal house is now linked to outrageous partying, fraudsters, shamans, and drug addicts. As a result, the royal house’s reputation is declining.
A photo on Instagram, posted by the famous influencer and silicone babe Sophie Elise, caused an uproar. Next to her stood another influencer, holding a bag of white powder in her hand. The post was quickly deleted, but it was saved and publicly known.
The first reactions were aimed at NRK, the national and tax-paid woke media, TV, radio, and news site. NRK had started a collaboration with Sophie Elise. The Broadcasting Council received several thousand complaints from people who disliked that the silicone princess Sophie Elise should become a face to attract young people, especially young girls, into the brainwashing of NRK.
Simen Sandelien, a conservative profile, wrote on Facebook:
I have three teenage daughters. It is sad to note that NRK is completely uncritical of the role models and attitudes they promote towards young girls.
To me, absolutely everything is wrong with the values that these women stand for. Self-centered commercialized exhibitionism, the use of surgical interventions and unhealthy means to manipulate one’s appearance – or as here – a «give a fuck» behavior with drugs, questionable self-medication, and signaling of promiscuity.
None of this is the recipe for a healthy, rewarding life, with the experience of self-respect, self-confidence, mastery, and good social relationships.
Why can’t NRK – which is, after all, state-funded – try to highlight better feminine role models than this? Why doesn’t even blatant drug use make the channel react?
Is it NRK’s aim to influence responsible parents to keep their children completely away from the channel’s broadcasting surfaces?
I personally don’t have daughters, but I have several nieces that I am very fond of. Sophie Elise is a person who supports herself. I’m not a moralist concerning pouts and silicone tits. This is self-harm; she paid for it herself.
But I don’t understand why taxpayers’ funds should be used to promote her business, which is hardly an ideal role model for the young people who make up the target group. I can’t understand that. It will be a dreadful example of public-private cooperation. Bullshit like that rarely ends well.
Access to the royal house
It is not Sophie Elise, however, who is the only problem in the picture. Instead, it is the connection to the royal house.
It started with our coming queen Mette-Marit and her «extravagant» partying. She already had a child before she married Haakon Magnus, who would be our king in a few years. Norwegians have accepted and embraced all of it. Bishop Gunnar Stålsett officiated at the wedding.
Haakon Magnus participated in the World Economic Forum as a Young Global Leader.
But then it became more problematic. It emerged that Mette-Marit had had connections with Jeffrey Epstein. Haakon Magnus distinguished himself as a globalist by wearing a special button showing his support for UN Sustainable Development Goals, also known as Agenda 2030.
Or The Great Reset.
As a Norwegian wrote on Twitter:
The popular King Harald and King Olav chose All for Norway as their motto.
Crown Prince Haakon Magnus’ motto will be Everything for the UN.
Populære kong Harald og kong Olav valgte “Alt for Norge” som valgspråk.
Kronprins Haakon Magnus’ valgspråk blir “Alt for FN”.
Haakon Magnus velger vel sjarlatanen og juksemakeren Durek Verrett som visekonge! 🙂 pic.twitter.com/eZYt9GI4tn
The Norwegian princess Märtha Louise married Ari Behn. Behn was unconventional but a self-made man. He was already known as a successful writer and was hysterically funny when he challenged the well-known sociologist and artist Kjetil Rolness to a duel.
Since I hosted the wedding party Ari and Märtha held at the restaurant Bølgen & Moi in Trondheim, I have met the entire royal family. Ari Behn was also a regular guest at Bølgen & Moi Briskeby, in Oslo, for years.
All the waiters and cooks loved this strange figure, who appeared very non-Norwegian on TV. After a few meetings, I understood what was wrong with him: He cared about others. It is a very unusual phenomenon that can appear superficial and false until you understand it is based on honesty.
He was almost like an American, in a good way.
I believe Ari Behn was an honorable person. When he shot himself on Christmas Day, the royal family was gathered in the church. The image of Durek with his arm around Behn’s child echoed in our kingdom.
Durek Verrett’s entrance into the royal family blew away any remaining boundaries. Before Durek, the press had ridiculed Märtha for her spiritual exercises, conversations with angels, etc., which understandably led to bitterness. Recently, she blew up on Swedish television. The media immediately counterattacked.
But the shaman Durek is a bridge too far. A person is allowed to be eccentric, but at this level, it is difficult to reconcile being a member of the royal family.

Shaman Durek. Screenshot from his own website
The intermingling of royal title and commercial business is frowned upon. Durek sells corona medallions and risked being accused under the Quack Act. People made the shaman rhyme with swindlers. He was also «fluent» sexually and offered vaginal cleansing. How were the breakfast conversations at the Castle? He was too much.
Back door
What does this have to do with Sophie Elise? Is she not connected to the royal house?
No, but the one next to her in the disputed picture is; holding the bag of white powder. Nettavisen’s political editor Erik Stephansen says the press was told they could not mention the name of the other influencer. But Stephansen was annoyed and published a critical comment.
It also became slightly parodic when editor-controlled media discovered that we couldn’t tell who the other influencer was.
To tell readers the fact that it is influencer Nora Haukland who is in the photo in question cannot possibly be a violation of the ethical rules of the press. That this fact has a public interest is obvious, since Haukland has taken part in publicizing her relationship with Marius Borg – son of Crown Princess Mette-Marit.
We do not know what was in the bag. But based on the context, it is easy to determine that they are flirting with cocaine. It is not the first time that the duo Haukland/Sophie Elise deliberately shocks the Norwegian people.
Marius Borg also has a reputation for enjoying extravagant parties, so it is easy to find pictures of him and Nora.
Mette-Marit asked for the forgiveness of the nation. Now there is a new generation. History is repeating itself.
Marius Borg’s girlfriend, Nora Haukland, tells Norway’s biggest newspaper, VG:
It was on Norway’s National Day, on the 17th of May, and Marius had injured himself on a broken champagne bottle and had to go to the hospital.
– And then Mette and Haakon entered my balcony door from the front of the building. And Marius was lying there with a bandage around his hand, recalls Haukland.
– They were just super nice and very beautiful. And that was the first meeting. So, it was a bit absurd.
The press has, until now, acted as protectors of the royal house. But connections like the influencer girls show how wrong things can go.
The Norwegian royal family is not the only one struggling. The Danes have discord in the family. Queen Margrethe did not want to give royal titles to the children of Prince Joakim’s second marriage. He publicly attacked his mother. In England, Meghan Markle and Harry have repeatedly scandalized the royal house.
Some people don’t see the problem. But most people understand that if the royal house is to have any meaning, it must be above the people.
Unfortunately, this is not the case now.