Real American News for Real People

Document’s US correspondent Elisabeth Rooney spoke to Trump supporters at Club 47 USA’s October meeting, where former President Donald Trump was the keynote speaker. Club 47 USA has more than 17,000 local members in South Florida and was created in 2018 to support the former president and his 2024 re-election bid.

One of our missions at Document is to present authentic American news to real people in Norway and to debunk the liberal press’ portrayal of conservative American Trump supporters. They follow in the footsteps of Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and the liberals and label half of America as deplorable, white trash racists. They tell us they are the greatest threat to the nation; we know it’s a lie.

Elisabeth talks to a fantastic group of people who contradict everything we’ve heard about Trump supporters or MAGA fanatics, and they are the typical conservative Americans that liberals don’t want you to know. They all share their love for their country and fear of losing the America we all knew and loved.

But all is not lost; because of people like them, we hope and believe that the United States will one day be great again.


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